en el pinar.
Os deseo Feliz Navidad desde una templada y eternamente verde Asturias.
I wish you a Merry Christmas from a warm and eternal green Asturias!
Dec 27, 2014
Dec 16, 2014
Acacia Koa
A client from Canada asked me to draw an Acacia blossom. It was a great idea, and I did it with pleasure.. I love acacias, mimosas, blooming in yellow and smelling so fresh.. They appeal me to my childhood, the Grandma's house, the primary school... And this souvenirs brought me a bit of warmth and sun in these extremely obscure and grey days... the shorter time of the year...
Spring, here we go!
Spring, here we go!
Una clienta de Canadá me encargó el dibujo de una rama de Acacia Koa florida. Fue una buena idea, y lo hice con gusto! En estos días tan cortos, grises y oscuros, me vinieron imágenes de la floración de acacias y mimosas, los pompones amarillos, la frescura de su olor, me acordé de la casa de mi abuela y de mi infancia en el colegio.. Aquí vamos, Primavera!
Dec 13, 2014
Hotel "Speicherstadt"
About one month ago I went to Hamburg for the Opening of this Ameron Hotel, in Speicherstadt.
I felt very happy watching the paintings that I did last July for them, which hang at the lobby.
Do you remember them? I nearly got crazy!
The room decoration is so cosy, a cheese cake was waiting for me, the evening catering was also delicious, so nice and cheerful welcoming! The views out of the room, with this typical grey hamburg sky, were also very charming. I could have stayed there a couple of days still ;)
Hace algo más de un mes fui a Hamburgo a la inauguración del Hotel Speicherstadt, de Ameron. Me hizo mucha ilusión ver mis pinturas en el vestíbulo y salón de la entrada en vivo, esos dibujos que casi me vuelve majareta!
La recepción fue muy acogedora: la decoración cálida de la habitación, tarta de queso, catering delicioso de la noche, y las vistas bonitas al exterior del hotel, pese al húmedo y oscuro cielo hamburgués... me podría haber quedado un par de días más ;)
I felt very happy watching the paintings that I did last July for them, which hang at the lobby.
Do you remember them? I nearly got crazy!
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View of the lobby, at the fireplace hangs one of the big paintings. |
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View of the cosy room |
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View out from the cosy room |
Hace algo más de un mes fui a Hamburgo a la inauguración del Hotel Speicherstadt, de Ameron. Me hizo mucha ilusión ver mis pinturas en el vestíbulo y salón de la entrada en vivo, esos dibujos que casi me vuelve majareta!
La recepción fue muy acogedora: la decoración cálida de la habitación, tarta de queso, catering delicioso de la noche, y las vistas bonitas al exterior del hotel, pese al húmedo y oscuro cielo hamburgués... me podría haber quedado un par de días más ;)
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Markus Hilzinger with the artists. Photo courtesy of Peter Vogel |
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Markus Hilzinger with the artists. Photo courtesy of Peter Vogel |
Nov 30, 2014
Pencil Nudes
Nov 27, 2014
Asturian fields
with fleeting clouds in the sky, and bluish eucalyptus on the field's shore.
Last straggler watercolor of the summer.
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"Asturian Fields" Watercolor on Schut Terschelling 300gr/m2 paper Size: 18 x 24 cm, 7" x 9.5" |
Última acuarela rezagada del verano.
Nov 26, 2014
Nov 25, 2014
Adieu, liebe Ernte!
Some pictures with my analog camera Voigtländer...
I know is a long time that I don't share photos from my film-camera with you! It does not mean that I am not taking photos anymore! but my scanner was working very strange in negative's modus, and making stripes on the pictures.. Now is a bit better, still not perfect... (verdammte Technologie :P)
Algunas foticas de mi huerta otoñal. Sé que hace mucho que no comparto fotos de mi cámara analógica con vosotros! No quiere decir que ya no haga fotos! pero mi escáner estaba funcionando muy raro al escanear negativos, saliendo unas rayas en medio de las fotos insalvables ... Ahora está mejor, aunque no al cien por cien... ay! incierta tecnología!
I know is a long time that I don't share photos from my film-camera with you! It does not mean that I am not taking photos anymore! but my scanner was working very strange in negative's modus, and making stripes on the pictures.. Now is a bit better, still not perfect... (verdammte Technologie :P)
Nov 24, 2014
Conkers VI
Yes, I still have some Horse Chestnuts drawings, even though the time is over and you can only find lost and wrinkled specimens in some corners of streets or parks.
Click /HERE/ to see all my chestnuts collection.
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"Conkers VI" Gouache painting on Hahnemuehle paper 140gr/m2 Size A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5") /You can buy the ORIGINAL here/ |
Nov 19, 2014
Female Nude N.2 - 10/09/14
You can see all my other nude drawings /HERE/
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"Female Nude N.2 - 10/09/14" Watercolor on Canson paper, 200gr/m2 Size A3 (16.5" x 11.5", 42 x 29.7 cm) //SOLD// |
Nov 12, 2014
heißt das kleine Dackel von Natalia und Juan.
Sie ist voll süß, nicht aber freundlich mit Umbekannten... es hat eine Weile gedauert bis da sie mit mir spielen und kuscheln wollte! :)
She is sweet, but not the most friendly pet! It took a long time until she wanted to play and cuddle with me! :)
Es muy mona pero no muy amigable con extraños! Tardó bastante en querer jugar conmigo y dejar que la acariciase.
Sie ist voll süß, nicht aber freundlich mit Umbekannten... es hat eine Weile gedauert bis da sie mit mir spielen und kuscheln wollte! :)
Is the name of the little "dachshund" dog of Natalia and Juan.She is sweet, but not the most friendly pet! It took a long time until she wanted to play and cuddle with me! :)
"Spree" se llama la perrita de Juan y Natalia.Es muy mona pero no muy amigable con extraños! Tardó bastante en querer jugar conmigo y dejar que la acariciase.
Nov 7, 2014
Farewell! The Garden season is over.
While saying goodbye and blessing this sunny Autumn day, I ride the way back through the wonderful birch woods. At the background, the "Gropius Stadt".
And I drew my probably last sketch there..
While saying goodbye and blessing this sunny Autumn day, I ride the way back through the wonderful birch woods. At the background, the "Gropius Stadt".
And I drew my probably last sketch there..
La estación de la huerta se cerró.
Vuelvo por el camino entre preciosos abedules, mientras me despido y bendigo este soleado día de otoño. Al fondo la "Gropius Stadt"
Y me detengo a dibujar mi, probablemente, último dibujo de este lugar..
Nov 6, 2014
Ostpark am Abend
Again an Autumn nightfall.
On the high, stripped branches, mistletoe and cormorans.
Otra vez und anochecer de Otoño.
En las altas ramas desnudas, muérdago y cormoranes.
On the high, stripped branches, mistletoe and cormorans.
Otra vez und anochecer de Otoño.
En las altas ramas desnudas, muérdago y cormoranes.
Nov 5, 2014
In Frankfurt, Westend, at the golden evening light, when the sun was hiding behind the lowest shrubs.
I liked this park a lot, with its green hills and romantic, english air.
Here is a view with a side of an orthodox chapel.
Me gustó mucho este parque de colinas verdes y aire romántico, estilo inglés.
Aquí una vista con el lateral de una capilla ortodoxa.
Nov 4, 2014
You know her,
Oct 31, 2014
Boletus Edulis
and other nature samples that we find in our Brandenburg walks on Sundays.
Here below a"Penny bun" in english, also known with its italian name "Porcini". Steinpilz auf Deutsch.
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"Boletus Edulis" Watercolor & pencil drawing /You can buy the PRINT here/ |
I was totally impressed when I found this baby lizard in one of this walks through Brandenburg! I never saw a lizard in Germany before, and specially this kind of lizard! Searching in google I started thinking it was an "Ocellated Lizard" but it is quite impossible as they live nearly just in Spain and Italy. So it might be the "Lacerta Viridis" which distribution area is more possible (see the tiny spot in East Germany!!).. Anyway I was very happy!
Another day we found even a real snake! Someone said this little one was a Common European Viper, "Vipera berus", but I think it is a Smooth Snake or "Coronella Austriaca" Anyway, I didn't dare to take this one on my hand :P
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"Lacerta Viridis" or European Green Lizard (I think) Photo taken by Hong Wang. |
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"Coronella Austriaca" or Smooth Snake (I think) Photo taken by Bastian Götze. |
Oct 21, 2014
Conkers V
This time I have painted them with gouache colors.
Click /HERE/ to see all my chestnuts collection.
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"Conkers V" Gouache painting on Hahnemuehle paper 140gr/m2 Size A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5") /You can buy the ORIGINAL here/ |
Oct 20, 2014
Conkers IV
I can not stop picking up and collecting those wonderful Autumn gifts, horse chestnuts with their veined, woody and shinny peel.
Click /HERE/ to see all my chestnuts collection.
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"Conkers IV" Pencil drawing Size A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5") /You can buy the PRINT here/ |
Oct 17, 2014
Conkers III
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"Conkers III" Pencil drawing Size A4 (21 x 29,7cm, 8" x 11.5") /You can buy the PRINT here/ |
Click /HERE/ to see all my chestnuts collection.
Oct 15, 2014
Female Nude N.1 - 10/09/14
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"Female Nude N.1 - 10/09/14" Watercolor on Canson paper, 200gr/m2 Size A3 (16.5" x 11.5", 42 x 29.7 cm) /You can buy the ORIGINAL here/ |
Oct 14, 2014
Oct 10, 2014
Oct 9, 2014
Santa María del Mar - Atlantic Summer
"Santa María del Mar" Watercolor on Schut Terschelling 300gr/m2 paper Size: 18 x 24 cm, 7" x 9.5" |
Una tierna y antigua playa al oeste asturiano, costa atlántica con típico cielo de un luminoso gris.
Oct 8, 2014
Pine Woods N.3- Atlantic Summer
In a hot August midday, when the pines resin are smelling the strongest. That warm characteristic pine fragrance which evokes me the summer... the walks through this loose and wild pine forest, the red and soft ground rustling under my steps.
En un caluroso mediodía de Agosto, cuando la resina de los pinos huele más fuerte. Ese cálido y característico olor a pino que me evoca el verano.. los paseos por este dejado pinar, con el rojo y mullido suelo crujiendo a mis pasos.
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"Pine Woods N.3" Watercolor on Schut Terschelling 300gr/m2 paper Size: 18 x 24 cm, 7" x 9.5" |
Oct 7, 2014
Oct 2, 2014
Pine Woods N.2- Atlantic Summer
And the same coast forest, a bit more near the coast line (you see the sea at the horizon?) and with a cloudy, stormy day light, typical atlantic.
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"Pine Woods N.2" Watercolor on Schut Terschelling 300gr/m2 paper Size: 18 x 24 cm, 7" x 9.5" |
Oct 1, 2014
Pine Woods N.1- Atlantic Summer
did you think I skipped the summer in Asturias? of course not. I jumped from mediterranean heat to atlantic freshness :)
Here some watercolors, starting by the coast pine wood at midday.
Here some watercolors, starting by the coast pine wood at midday.
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"Pine Woods N.1" Watercolor on Schut Terschelling 300gr/m2 paper Size: 18 x 24 cm, 7" x 9.5" |
Creías que me había perdido el verano asturiano? claro que no! Salté del calor mediterráneo al frescor atlántico :)
Aquí algunas acuarelas, comenzando por el pinar costero a mediodía
Choco Afro Man N.1
Sep 30, 2014
Tropical fruits & flowers: Ceiba or Chorisia
not in the tropics, but in Valencia.
The river walk was a surprising and rich botanical promenade.
The river walk was a surprising and rich botanical promenade.
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Wonderful flowers and fruits of "Chorisia Speciosa". "Palo Botella", "Palo Borracho" o Yucán. |
Sep 26, 2014
y la Migueleta pensativa...
creo que era la misma modelo ;)
en otro pose.
en otro pose.
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"The thoughtful Migueleta" Pencil drawing in A3 (16.5" x 11.5", 42 x 29.7 cm) |
Sep 25, 2014
Red Cabbages
Purple and ochre are the color of the season...
Coles lombardas
Morado y ocre son los colores de la estación...
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"Red Cabbages" Watercolor & pencil drawing. Size A3 (11.5" x 16.5", 29,7 x 42cm) on 200gr/m2 paper. /You can buy the PRINT here/ |
Morado y ocre son los colores de la estación...
Sep 24, 2014
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