Nov 28, 2024

Still lifes in ARTFULLYWALLS

 Hi dears!

I know I am making very few post last years.. .That is due to instagram and the perpetual medias changing and moving forward. I still like to post here and to surf sometimes in the slowlier world of blogs. 

So I am showing here some new things that have been taking place: 

I have an account on ARTFULLY WALLS where you can find some selected works of mine.

Among many botanical drawings, there are some of the last still lifes with fruits I have drawn. I hope you like them!


  • These fresh drawings with bold strokes and Summer colors:
"Still life in Yellow" Print available /HERE/

"Stilllife with Ananas" Print availabe /HERE/

  • These below have been painted in Autumn and are fruits and colors of fall.
"Plate with pomegranate" Print available /HERE/

"Fruits in a red bowl" Print availaba /HERE/


Anonymous said...

Well, know that some of us are still following you here in the nicer slower world of blogs and are happy every time you publish a post :)

Catilustre said...

haha, wow, that is really a surprise... I thought there were nobody more outthere.... nice to read you, Anonymous :) That give me some hope and sense of still posting and sharing here... I feel sometimes so lost in this so quickly, digital world, impossible to catch! (and I don't want neither ;P)