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"Linden Blossom 3/2015"
Pencil & Watercolor
Paper: 21cm x 29.7cm (8" x 11") 170gr/m2
Jun 30, 2015
Linden Blossom 3/2015
and still blooming the beautiful Linden. And there are so many different kinds! in different blooming stadium. I realize it each year: the one with more rounded leaves, with dark green, shining surface, the other silver with more pointed and sharp leaves and dry green tone.. the curly one... also the shapes of the tree are quite different. I will have to check a Trees encyclopedia to know the true name of each..
Jun 27, 2015
Linden Blossom 2/2015
and here is the next Linden drawing of the season...
You can see all my collection of Linden Blossom /HERE/
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"Linden Blossom 2/2015"
Pencil & Watercolor
Paper: 21cm x 29.7cm (8" x 11") 170gr/m2
Jun 26, 2015
Linden Blossom 1/2015
another Season, here are the great, beautiful Linden trees blooming and scattering in the warm evening air their sweet parfum...
You can see all my collection of Linden Blossom /HERE/
Otra estación, los preciosos Tilos floreciendo y esparciendo en el templado aire de atardecer su fragancia dulce..
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"Linden Blossom 1/2015"
Pencil & Watercolor
Paper: 21cm x 29.7cm (8" x 11") 170gr/m2 |
Otra estación, los preciosos Tilos floreciendo y esparciendo en el templado aire de atardecer su fragancia dulce..
Jun 22, 2015
Sauces y patos
Muchísimos patos de diferentes familias, como si fuesen rebaños de ovejas pastando, pero en lugar de ovejas, patos... a las orillas del estanque en Ostpark. Otro nostálgico atardecer. Porque me olía a agua dulce, a lago, y me recordaba los primeros veranos en Berlin.. Están por descubrir los lagos de Hessen, un poco más escondidos quizás... os informaré en cuanto los conozca..
Jun 17, 2015
Sbahn Störungen
In Berlin the underground and regional train were not the best... but in Frankfurt they are a Katastrophe!
Yesterday it took me over two hours to get home. I worked somewhere out the city, a place among the wheat and raps fields.. I always take the bike in the train and then I ride... if I knew it, I would have ride all the way back home! but once in the train, it was a prison... so I passed the time by looking at the travelers. No one seemed to be worried or hurried.. thanks that they had their smart-phones with :D
Yesterday it took me over two hours to get home. I worked somewhere out the city, a place among the wheat and raps fields.. I always take the bike in the train and then I ride... if I knew it, I would have ride all the way back home! but once in the train, it was a prison... so I passed the time by looking at the travelers. No one seemed to be worried or hurried.. thanks that they had their smart-phones with :D
En Berlin el transporte público no era lo mejor... pero en Frankfurt es una catástrofe!
Ayer tardé más de dos horas en volver a casa.. trabajo en un colegio entre campos de trigo y colza.. . voy con la bici en el tren y luego pedaleo hasta allá. Si hubiese sabido que el tren se colgaría ahí tanto tiempo habría vuelto en bici hasta casa. Pero una vez dentro del tren, me quedé prisionera. Nadie parecía preocuparse ni tener prisa... menos mal que tenían sus teléfonos! :)
PS- you can have a look at all my people sketches /HERE/
PS- you can have a look at all my people sketches /HERE/
Jun 15, 2015
Holunderblüten auf Deutsch.
And here some Elderflowers smelling as fresh as lemon, with the bitter pinch of the lemon peel.
Y aquí algunas flores de saúco, oliendo tan frescas como el limón, y el punto amargo de su cáscara.
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"Saúco en flor"
Pencil & Watercolor on 170gr/m2 paper
Size 21cm x 29.7cm (8" x 11")
Y aquí algunas flores de saúco, oliendo tan frescas como el limón, y el punto amargo de su cáscara.
Jun 12, 2015
is a long green park as a sinuous snake following the path where the medieval walls closed the old city
Here is the Eschenheimer Anlage at evening. People walk trough this green belt better than through the streets. They sit in the banks and chat or eat the evening sandwich after work, and play table-tennis. Elder trees were covered by their lemon smelly, plate flowers..
Here is the Eschenheimer Anlage at evening. People walk trough this green belt better than through the streets. They sit in the banks and chat or eat the evening sandwich after work, and play table-tennis. Elder trees were covered by their lemon smelly, plate flowers..
Jun 11, 2015
Female Nude N.6 - 10/09/14
You can see all my other nude drawings /HERE/
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"Female Nude N.6 - 10/09/14" Size 42cm x 29.7cm (11" x 16") Pencil & Watercolor on Canson paper 200gr/m2 /You can buy the ORIGINAL here/ |
Jun 7, 2015
Dark or light purple, violet, white, more blue or more magenta nuances, but all in the lilac's range, and all smelling like sweet honey, bee's dream... just a couple of weeks has lasted this lilacs explosion..
Morado oscuro o claro, violeta, blanco, con matices más azulados o magenta, pero todos en la gama lila, y oliendo a miel dulce, sueños de abejas.. solo un par de semanas duró esta explosión lila..
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Pencil & Watercolor on 300gr/m2 paper
Size 21cm x 29.7cm (8" x 11")
Jun 3, 2015
At the evening light. At the south side of this bornheimer park, by this enormous platanus, some people -me among- gather together, talk, drink and play frisbee once a week.. if the weather allows it!
A la luz de atardecer. En el lado sur de este parque en Bornheim, junto a este enorme plátano, un grupo de gente (yo entre ellos) se reúne una vez a la semana a charlar, beber, jugar al frisbee... si el tiempo lo permite! mes de Mayo frío, ventoso y lluvioso!
Jun 1, 2015
Rhododendron mauve III
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