Jul 13, 2015

Al rico Molusco!

os dije que en mi huerto había sobrepoblación de babosas? Babosas rojizas americanas? (esto lo he oído hace poco, al parecer las negritas más delgaditas son las autóctonas, y estas gorrinas marronáceas está desplazando su población y jalando sin piedad todo lo que aparece en su camino)
Pues el Jueves fui al huerto tarde, después de regar empezaba a anochecer, y así húmedo y oscureciendo es cuando les gusta salir a estas babosas... sin esfuerzo me puse a recolectarlas en una bolsa, fue más eficaz que la cerveza, 74 babosas en menos de media hora, creo que unos dos kilos pesaría al final la bolsa..
Y a la pregunta, qué hice con ellas? paella? sopa? aplastarlas o matarlas? noo... tampoco las eché al huerto vecino ;) Me las llevé lejos hasta un área más urbana y allí en un prado las solté. Si habrán sido la cena de una familia de erizos? eso no lo sabré..
"oh! qué rico huele la cerveza!"
un poco simpáticas parecen..

Last Thursday I went late in the evening to the garden. After working and watering, as the nightfall arrived, many Snugs started to appear in their way to the banquet.. Without effort I collected them. 74 samples in less than half an hour! 
At the question, what I did with them afterwards? nooo I didn't cook them! nooo I didn't throw them to neighbour garden, nooo I didn't squashed them and kill them. At last they didn't look that unfriendly to me. I just took them far away and let them in a green area in the city. If they were the dinner of an hedgehog family? I will never know...

Jul 9, 2015

Red Radishes

From my garden plot, half eaten by the snugs and snails.
We have also a generous community of these fellows living there. 
But beer is their infatuation... 

"Red Radishes"
Pencil & Watercolor 
Paper: 21cm x 29.7cm (8" x 11") 170gr/m2

Rabanitos carmín de mi huerto. A medias comidos por las babosas tragonas, de las cuales tenemos una buena representación viviendo allí.... pero la cerveza es su perdición!

Jul 7, 2015

Sphinx Moth

and this one is a real one, I found it last week coming home, on the portal stairs, it was quite good camouflaged in its fresh mossy green tones. It is beautiful, isn't it?
Y  tras las mariposas, una esfinge, pero ésta de verdad! La encontré la semana pasada en las escaleras del portal, camuflada astutamente en sus frescos tonos de verde musgoso.

Jul 4, 2015


ready to hang!

You can buy the original Illustration /HERE/
You can buy the original Illustration /HERE/
 I am working on a new Series, trying to make illustrations as ready-to-hang products, hanging them directly on the wall with no need of passepartout or frame. 
These are the two first ones, inspired in spring and nature. My intention is to turn into many other subjects... But here the first shy try. 

Jul 1, 2015

Caretos Sculpture

And what if the loved Caretos inside my head (or my heart?) come out this time not in paper, but as a 3D shape?  
I made those this Saturday, we have got a terribly raining and grey morning, perfect to sit at my terrace and  squeeze my fingers in the damp clay...