Studio Bildende Kunst (Villa Skupin)
John-Sieg-Str. 13
10365 Berlin
(S, U Frankfurter Allee)
It is a mixture of "live" drawings, what for me MOVEMENT can mean:
unfinished works, still breathing process,
works made outdoors while light is changing
or abstract works which deal is to create some forces
or movement on the paper...
The house is warm and sweet. An old, squared, jugendstil Villa. Dark red briks outside, many wood inside, beautiful parkets and ornamented ceilings.
And it is inside a strange, East German, platenbau collective living.. A big contrast that also creates forces and movement.
I am sorry for anouncing this so late and short term, but I am having a horrible, too busy time since new year! I just moved again and still have no Internet at home! *~*